- Kaifeng Pusheng Instrument Co., LTD
- Main products: water meters, The mechanical water meters, smart water meters, Ultrasonic water meters, ultrasonic flowmeters, ultrasonic heat meters, electromagnetic flowmeter, GPRS intelligent water meter, NB Smart water meter, Waterman water meter, The copper water meter, Iron cover copper head water meter
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- Pulse long-distance water meter large caliber detachable horizontal spiral wing water meter NB remote transmission intelligent management
- Big bore Waterman water meter /prepaid water meter/remote control water meter with MODBUS
- Diesel/kerosene/oil flowmeter Elliptical gear flowmeter mechanical/electronic reading thread connection
- Thermo-pressure compensated DN15-DN50 gas flowmeter Vortex flowmeter Modbus connection
- DN50-DN3000 Electrical Flowmeter/Fluid Flowmeter with modbus/4-20mA pulse output Stainless steel body
- DN15-DN25 Bluetooth smart water meter intelligent management online payment management
- Wireless smart camera water meter GPRS/NB communication connection
- Portable gas mass heat flow meter modbus communication connection
- BTU meter ultrasonic ic card watermeter/flowmeters mbus iron shell
- DN15DN20DN25All-copper water case IC card smart RF water meter pre-paid water meter professional supply
- 15mm-20mm stainless steel body or brass body volumetric rotary piston type cold water meter
- Photoelectric direct reading water meter intelligently transmits data
- DN20 gas flowmeter vortex flowmeter metering accuracy
- DN15 drip metering Blue plate multi-nozzle water meter metering accuracy
- 3/4 inch intelligent RF IC card water meter is exported to overseas countries wireless connection intelligent management
- 1/2 inch ultrasonic water meter RS485 communication connection lorawan port ClassB
- Hand-held ultrasonic flowmeter professional detection of water quality and pressure
- Diesel testing flowmeter Electronic turbine flowmeter Accurate measurement is convenient and accurate
- Insert large diameter mechanical water meter is specialized in agricultural water conservancy and irrigation projects
- tuf2000 ultrasonic water flow meter clamp on sensor module flow meter
- Temperature and pressure compensated vortex flowmeter explosion-proof gas flowmeter
- Large diameter ultrasonic heat meter is used for water use in agricultural water conservancy boiler
- Temperature and pressure compensation vortex flowmeter is specially used to measure gas flow accurately
- Portable ultrasonic flowmeter/hand-held ultrasonic flowmeter DN15-6000 is used for pump testing, etc
- 4~20mA pulse output with explosion-proof vortex flowmeter Gas flowmeter measurement
- RS485 communication connection DN20 Ultrasonic water meter for measuring hot and cold water
- NB-IOT water meter DN20 for residential building water professionally produced by Pusheng
- DN50 Waterman water meter For water conservancy projects, agricultural irrigation
- Hand-held portable ultrasonic flowmeter DN15-DN6000 Kaifeng Pusheng professional supply
- External thread type DN40 natural gas flowmeter vortex flowmeter air flowmeter price
- Plug - in convenient electromagnetic flowmeter unsealing pusheng instrument professional supply
- 316 stainless steel electromagnetic flowmeter lined with PTFE 24VDC/220VDC power supply for pump testing
- 316 stainless steel body electromagnetic flowmeter pusheng professional supply
- High pressure electromagnetic flowmeter for geological exploration, oil exploration, mud treatment
- DN15 Ultrasonic water meter RS485 communication connection
- Dn15-6000 Wall mounted ultrasonic flowmeter/ultrasonic heat meter/digital display Kaifeng Pusheng supply
- DN80 irrigation Valve digital woltmann mechanical water flow meter with pulse output
- Rent house special WiFi intelligent fee control water meter
- DN20 lorawan/lora Smart Water Meter for building water meter management
- 304 stainless steel tubular electromagnetic flowmeter with RS485 protocol tetrafluoron lining
- Wall-mounted ultrasonic flowmeter/energy meter is professionally supplied by Pusheng
- RS485 communication connection Ultrasonic water meter for measuring hot and cold water
- DN400 Waterman water meter is used for large water conservancy projects
- DN20WiFi smart water meter pusheng professional production and supply
- DN25 Ultrasonic RS485 flowmeter on water controller portable water clamp Industrial flowmeter Electromagnetic flowmeter
- Large caliber ultrasonic water meter DN100 RS485 communication connection for irrigation water conservancy projects
- DN25 LorA/LORAWan Pre-paid Water meter RS485 communication protocol
- DN20 Ultrasonic RS485 flowmeter on water controller portable water clamp Industrial flowmeter Electromagnetic flowmeter
- DN15 Household mechanical water meter flow beam water meter
- Mod-bus communication connects smart water meter Lorawan prepaid smart water meter
- Pre-paid smart water meter with IC card/lora/lorawan
- Mod-bus /M-BUS communication connection electromagnetic flowmeter for pulp processing pump treatment
- Industrial wastewater treatment with electromagnetic flowmeter pusheng professional production and supply
- Sandwich Type Ultrasonic water meter small diameter copper pipe Smart Water meter lorawan smart water meter
- domestic water meter LORA / LORAWAN smart water meter
- Wireless Remote Reading Lora/ LoRaWAN/ NB-IoT Smart Water Meter pusheng
- Lora Wireless remote smart water meter M-BUS Remote Water meter
- Portable ultrasonic flowmeter for water quality monitoring and temperature detection
- Digital thermal wastewater electromagnetic flowmeter manufacturer of chemical electromagnetic flowmeter for sewage treatment
- Dn80 Acetone Water Flow Meter low price Electromagnetic Flowmeter Manufacturer
- Digital food grade flowmeter electronic flow meter industrial intelligent sewage water magnetic electromagnetic flowmeter
- WiFi Smart Water Meter LORA Water meter is available
- Low Cost Electromagnetic Flowmeter,China supplier 4-20ma output digital Magnetic Water Flow Meter Price
- Electromagnetic flowmeter for industrial water treatment
- Water meter flow meters diesel flow meter turbine with output
- All new Dn50 low price digital flowmeter sensor turbine flowmeter
- Factory price DN15 Prepaid Smart Card Water Meter with software Flow meters
- Dn15 Water meter system Digital smart IC card prepaid water meter with software smart brass body
- Lorawan NB-iot Smart ultrasonic water meter for residential buildings water meter
- DN15 mechanical water meter professional production and sales
- 3 inches detachable mechanical water flow meter DN80 woltman water meter
- Mechanical cast iron DN25 digital water meter meter is used for industrial water meter and residential water meter
- DN40 Ultrasonic heat meter RS485 communication protocol ModBus port connection
- DN20 Ultrasonic flowmeter is used for heating system testing RS485 communicating junctions
- Ultrasonic flowmeter for water quality monitoring and temperature detection
- Ultrasonic heat meter with RS485 communication for heating system
- Digital RF electronic IC card intelligent blade water meter seal price is low
- Hygienic all stainless steel electromagnetic flowmeter 4-20mA signal output
- A type of waterproof electromagnetic flowmeter DN150 stainless steel electrode ptfe lining is corrosion resistant
- China 100mm food grade digital milk and beer flow meters types
- 2 inch flange turbine stainless steel flowmeter diesel pulse flowmeter
- Anticorrosion large meter head electromagnetic flowmeter specializing in industrial water treatment, food processing water measurement
- Patch remote pulse water meter RS485 communication protocol is exported to Malaysia
- Hygienic RS485 electromagnetic flowmeter is used in food processing enterprises
- Anticorrosion tetrafluoride lined electromagnetic flowmeter is used in sewage treatment in Southeast Asia
- Digital flow meter water milk wifi nuflo turbine flowmeter alcohol flow meter
- 2 inch flange turbine stainless steel flowmet
- China 100mm food grade digital milk and beer flow meter types
- Hydraulic Mechanical digitalize Analog Water Turbine Flowmeter Diesel
- liquid water flow meter RS485 digital LED display Electromagnetic Flow meter
- Ultrasonic RS485 flowmeter on water controller portable water clamp Industrial flowmeter Electromagnetic flowmeter
- Intelligent rfid ic card cheap price prepaid water meter
- Precise measurement M-BUS ultrasonic water meter is professionally produced and supplied
- Pre-paid smart water meter with IC card
- Water treatment with electromagnetic flowmeter pulp treatment with electromagnetic flowmeter pusheng professional production supply
- Household mechanical water meter flow beam water meter